Cinisello Balsamo, Italy

Cinisello Balsamo, Italy

Cinisello Balsamo Italy

Cinisello Balsamo is an Italian city of 75 601 inhabitants of the metropolitan city of Milan in Lombardy. It was formed in 1928 by the unification of the two separate municipalities of Cinisello and Balsamo, which still identify the two main districts of the city. By population it is the third municipality of the metropolitan city after Milan and Sesto San Giovanni and is the ninth of Lombardy and the seventy fifth of Italy. The municipality is part of the northern territory of Milan
Recommended airport
Milan (MIL)
Nearby destinations
  • Milan a 10.26 km
  • Chiasso,Mendrisio a 34.30 km
  • Legnano (Lombardy), Milan a 23.28 km
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